April 2021 Updates:
4/17/2021: Many hands make light work! Registration for summer camp is open! Go to our Summer Camp page and select “register here” to start the process!
4/16/2021: Summer Camp is happening! However, registration is not open yet. Our dates and rates have been added to the Summer Camp page of our website, and you can review our summer camp COVID-19 policies on our updated COVID-19 Information page. We recommend signing up for our newsletter (sign up at the bottom this page) so you can receive an email as soon as registration is ready to go!
3/30/2021: Camp Huston is excited to welcome back conference guests! While our reopening plans and COVID-19 policies and procedures are still being reviewed, we’re looking forward to hosting conferences again at a limited capacity. Please keep an eye out for website and social media updates with our health and safety information once it is finalized. We will also be sending a special edition of the “28” newsletter outlining our reopening plan, including COVID-19 policies, so be sure you’re signed up to receive our newsletter!
As of March 2021:
Due to the continuing pandemic, Camp Huston remains closed to follow the restrictions set by the governor and department of health. We will continue to develop our Phase 3 Operational Safety Plan in order to be ready for when we can have guests again.
As it stands, we have cancelled all conferences for the first quarter of 2021. We will continue evaluating camp and conference plans as the health climate evolves. As more information and guidelines are announced for 2021 summer camps across Washington and Snohomish County, we are carefully considering our options on how to proceed with planning.
As for summer camp, Camp Huston is waiting to hear what Governor Inslee’s decision regarding summer camp 2021. We expect to hear what policies and restrictions Governor Inslee mandates in early April. We will plan our summer camp schedule in compliance to such policies.
We miss our guests, and look forward to welcoming back campers and conference guests once we can do so in a safe, healthy way!